The Marvel Studios movies are known for Official Life Is Soup I Am Fork Lizbie T Shirt, light hearted tone, and easy going nature. Like the first film, this film had jokes in it. But I found myself not laughing. A few worked, like when Mantis got hit by falling debree in the final third act battle. But Rocket’s humor was not funny, Star-Lord and Gamora flirting did not amuse me. Sure- some things were funny- some Baby Groot moments were hilarious, that Mantis scene again, Drax and Mantis had a few funny scenes, and when Star-Lord and Rocket were arguing about tape- I guess that was funny, but other than that- most jokes just didn’t land. It was a shame, cause the first movie was so damn funny. But this movie was also so slow. There was barely any action. Majority of the film takes place on Ego’s Planet, and shows Drax falling in love with Mantis, Peter and Gamora getting closer together, and Peter getting to know his father. Whilst the relationships would otherwise be interesting to watch progress, they didn’t progress in the way I wanted. It was really Rocket, Baby Groot, Yondu and Nebula- they are the main characters in this film- Peter, Gamora, Ego, Drax and Mantis all are backseat players for this film. But the action we got also felt lackluster and had way too much CGI, almost like a DC movie. It was either too little action, or too much CGI in the action. The only good action pieces were between the sisters Gamora and Nebula, who had a great cat & mouse story in this film.
Ever watch a whirlpool? How about water going down a drain or even a Don’t ask me for shit Heavyslime shirt of cream swirled into your coffee? It sometimes looks like a spiral galaxy. And we once thought gravity was holding a galaxy together. If you watch a whirlpool carefully you will notice the outside orbits the center slowly and the closer to the middle you are the faster it spins. But this was a bit of a problem for galaxies because this would make the arms of the galaxy wind up tight. They would not last for millions of years. Earlier in the century, before computers, astronomer would hire dozens of women who were good at math to do calculations for them. One of them made an important discovery: the speed of the stars in the outer arms was way faster than it should be. The galaxy was spinning like a solid LP record album! According to the laws of gravity, which we know quite well, it shouldn’t behave like this…unless there was WAY more mass than we could see. And the issue of *dark matter* was born. Yes, there would be a lot of dust and gas and planets and small stars we couldn’t see. But all that is still not enough for the behavior we observe. It is a mystery we are still working on!
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