It’s just after the first day of Hanukkah as I read this Nebraska Huskers 2023 Volleyball Day Shirt . I absolutely love this question. For background, I wasn’t raised in either traditions, nor associated religions, so both holidays are really foreign (yet oddly familiar) to me. I have known many who celebrate one or the other holidays with great enthusiasm. Yet in my entire life thus far, outside of my immediate family, I have only ever been invited to two different familys’ homes for a Christmas celebration that they were each hosting. And each party was a blast, full of fun, love, and food. And each of these different families who hosted fun Christmas parties in their homes, identified as Jewish.
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Do it because it sucks putting up Christmas decorations. It sucks putting up the tree, untangling all the lights, getting all that crap out of Denver Nuggets Shark Bruce Brown shirt storage and tossing around with meaningless baubles like each placement is life-or-death perfectionist fun. And we want to get the most out of that effort. Depending on how many “helpers” I have, it can take one to four hours just putting up the tree. (It’s frealistic, over two metres tall, and has individual coded branches.) The more helpers, the longer it takes. And it’s hot where we live. By the end I’m peed off, drenched, covered in sweat, and I haven’t even done the lights yet. Which are tangled to f*&#. Then the kids pull out all the decorations and place them random patchy over the lower sections of the tree, despite encouragement to maybe spread them around (and make it look goodish). So I wait for them to go to school the next day and redo all the decorations. It’s basically a couple days work for all the Chrissy dex.