The Neutral Zone Trap started with one forward pressing with a July 4th Didn’t Set Me Free Juneteenth Day 2023 Shirt forecheck, usually not going any deeper in the offensive zone than the high slot in order to be able to retreat back to the blue line when the opposing team was breaking out. The other four players would stay spread out between the two blue lines totally plugging the neutral zone. As long as a team was committed to a passive forecheck and stayed in position it worked almost too well. The Left Wing Lock is a bit different. Basically once the puck changed possesion, the left winger on the defensive team would retreat to almost playing defense creating on the left side (right side to the team with the puck). Given that about 70% of players shoot left, giving up that ice would would put most players on their backhand causing them to kind of have to always to be looking behind.
At the other outpost also all was finished. During this night we reached the Juneteenth Celebrating Black History Freedom 06 19 1865 Shirt of the Tannu Ola and descended again into a valley covered with dense bushes and twined with a whole network of small rivers and streams. It was the headwaters of the Buret Hei. About one o’clock we stopped and began to feed our horses, as the grass just there was very good. Here we thought ourselves in safety. We saw many calming indications. On the mountains were seen the grazing herds of reindeers and yaks and approaching Soyots confirmed our supposition. Here behind the Tannu Ola the Soyots had not seen the Red soldiers. We presented to these Soyots a brick of tea and saw them depart happy and sure that we were “Tzagan,” a “good people.
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