Attila the Hun lived in the 5th century in Europe, and made a huge impression there aNd gained quite some fame . Temudjin the Genghis Khan was born 600 years later 1000s of miles away across Asia and would have grown up with a Annabelle Chucky and Billy the Puppet friends til the end logo shirt base and tales of history that were very different from the european and did not contain any tales of Attila, neither doe Chinese record such mention the great Attila. He had no influence on East Asian history and was completely unknown. Same goes for Temudjins descendants, Ögodei would reach Europe ( or better his soldiers ) but he or any other would have heard nothing about Attila and not know who he is. If someone asked a Mongol Khan like Kublai what he thinks of Attila, providing that someone provided some background info, he’d likely say something like, that he does not know this Attila, and does not care who he is or was, for he is the great Khan of the mongols and this Attila is not a mongol and none of his concern.
Kublai Khan’s military was in large part made up of James Brown 69th Anniversary 1954 – 2023 Thank You For The Memories T Shirt Chinese quislings who served primarily as grunts while the Mongols were the officer corps. Kublai also managed to dragoon a number of Chinese and Koreans to serve in his navy. GK did manage to conscript a number of steppe peoples into his army but never felt the need for a navy. KK also wasn’t as destructive in his conquests as his grandpa was. i am also unaware that Kublai ever thought to embark on a mission of world conquest like granddad did. centuries later when the Japanese attempted the same trick in their conquests in China they had little success in finding enough quislings to serve in their occupation forces. Indeed it was even before it was officially the Yuan Dynasty. The proclamation of the Yuan Dynasty was the inevitable result** of Genghis Khan’s earlier conquests which started with the radical and comprehensive restructuring of Mongol society. This was also the reason he could rise to power. He was the son of a tribal chief, but due to misfortune and treachery his father died and he grew up with little status and at his lowest became a slave.